
Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Dining Room Table

After perusing our favorite magazine for a dining room table that we wanted to build, we came across this beautiful farmhouse table. 
Great table... but at a whopping $2725, we decided to build it ourselves.
Now let’s start building...
When starting any new construction project you must first measure how big (or small) you want to make what you are building. Now for deciding the appropriate size for this table, it is important to understand that all furniture must be approximately the same size to adhere to basic human comfort. You obviously need to to be able to fit your knees under the table and you don't want your bowl of cereal a foot over your head! These dimensions can be found within the Architectural Graphic Standards. The diagram below is scanned from my AGS book.

I know it seems silly to look up the dimensions of something as common as a table, but it doesn't hurt, ya know. Now that we have the general dimensions for our table lets measure the size we want to make our table!


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